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body - Variable in class org.enanoservices.messagebroker.BrokerMessage
BrokerMessage - Class in org.enanoservices.messagebroker
Broker's message format it defines a broker message and provides the serialize() method a broker messages consists of: - the header, which is the same for all the messages and includes the message's type - a body, which is specific for each type of messages no de-serialize method needed - the header is de-serialized first to obtain the type of message - then the body is de-serialized using the corresponding class
BrokerMessage() - Constructor for class org.enanoservices.messagebroker.BrokerMessage
BrokerMessageHeader - Class in org.enanoservices.messagebroker
Broker's message header broker messages include a Header used to identify the message being sent and to be able to identify the deserializer This header needs to be used for all application versions Changing it implies that all the services need to be updated these messages are wrapped in an ActiveMQTextMessage which includes, among others, the following parameters - commandId - responseRequired = false - messageId - originalDestination = null - originalTransactionId = null - producerId - destination = topic://heartbeat - expiration = 1598549182120 (time to live(5000) added to the time stamp - timestamp = 1598549177120 - type = null - priority = 4 - groupID = null
BrokerMessageHeader(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.enanoservices.messagebroker.BrokerMessageHeader
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