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name - Variable in class org.enanoservices.remops.FieldInfo
NanoAdminController - Class in org.enanoservices.controller
Admin controller all admin requests are enabled in NanoFilter even if server is 'admin down'
NanoAdminController() - Constructor for class org.enanoservices.controller.NanoAdminController
NanoFilter - Class in org.enanoservices.filter
Implementation of OncePerRequestFilter used to 1) filter "/actuator"/ requests it makes sure request includes a valid "authheader" header and role is "admin" NanoInterceptor doesn't process these requests set the following headers: - "Access-Control-Expose-Headers" - "servers" - "authheader" 2) filter anything except for admin requests when server is "admin down'
NanoFilter() - Constructor for class org.enanoservices.filter.NanoFilter
NanoInterceptor - Class in org.enanoservices.interceptor
Implementation of HandlerInterceptorAdapter It checks and set the headers needed by the client
NanoInterceptor() - Constructor for class org.enanoservices.interceptor.NanoInterceptor
NanoProperties - Class in org.enanoservices.properties
NanoProperties() - Constructor for class org.enanoservices.properties.NanoProperties
NanoUserController - Class in org.enanoservices.controller
User controller It sends to the client the menu options and head list files provided by this service
NanoUserController() - Constructor for class org.enanoservices.controller.NanoUserController
NO_DATA - org.enanoservices.remops.RemoteResultCode
NO_METHOD - org.enanoservices.remops.RemoteResultCode
NO_SERVICE - org.enanoservices.remops.RemoteResultCode
noLongerValid(long) - Method in class org.enanoservices.jwt.JwtKey
noSignatureKeysAlarm() - Method in interface org.enanoservices.alarms.IAlarmHolder
NOT_SUPPORTED - org.enanoservices.remops.RemoteResultCode
notYetValid(long) - Method in class org.enanoservices.jwt.JwtKey
nsVersion - Variable in class org.enanoservices.servermonitor.api.ServerStateClient
nsVersion - Variable in class org.enanoservices.servermonitor.ServerStatus
nsVersion - Variable in class org.enanoservices.servermonitor.ThisServerInfo
numHeartBeats - Variable in class org.enanoservices.servermonitor.Server
numrecords - Variable in class org.enanoservices.remops.api.RemoteListResult
num records affected by db operation not used if remote operation is not a db operation
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